Welcome to Half Blood Hill Roleplay! Don't forget to create a character and roleplay in topics. :)
Post in "Seek Us Through the Mist"! The feast will be starting, and it's important!
THANKS so much for posting! Some of you, have actually been posting. Some, very few. I know for a fact that some of you had just neglected to post recently. I know that this is going to go slow, but I really need you guys who said you would post, do it! I mean HBH has died TWICE. This is it's third life. And you guys need to be true to your word. Come on. Please.
Can everyone copy the Who's Who code and send it to me so I can add you to the Members list? And also, your plot and relations should be done, and everyone who has met that character should post in it to have SOME KIND of relationship with that character. Thank you!